Edmontosaurus 3/4 skull 46 Inches long

This is an adult skull in ¾ relief. It is 46 inches long, 24 inches high and 10 inches thick. The right side of the skull is flat on the back to allow the display to hug a wall or cabinet.

Edmontosaurus was a large bipedal plant-eating dinosaur found in western North America. It belonged to a group of the "duckbilled or hadrosaur dinosaurs", characterized by a particular denture formed by batteries of hundreds of small lozenge teeth for pulverizing the tough plant food. They were up to 39 feet long and 16 feet tall. They lived during the late Cretaceous 

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Edmontosaurus 3/4 skull 46 Inches long 

46" x 24" x 10" inches
Item 2108 

Category: Replicas
Type: Skulls
Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Dinosaurs


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Edmontosaurus 3/4 skull 46 Inches long

Edmontosaurus 3/4 skull 46 Inches long

Edmontosaurus 3/4 skull 46 Inches long

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